Application of psychomotor skills as a tool for social inclusion in early childhood education

  1. Castro Sánchez, Manuel
  2. Ramírez-Granizo, Irwin A.
Education, Sport, Health and Physical Activity (ESHPA): International Journal

ISSN: 2603-6789

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 3

Issue: 2

Pages: 223-234

Type: Article

More publications in: Education, Sport, Health and Physical Activity (ESHPA): International Journal


Psychomotor skills have gained significant importance in recent years. Its benefits are numbers among which stand out being able to develop and acquire motor skills that allow the infant to adapt to new situations that can be posed to the child, as well as to favor the motor and emotional development of the child. For this reason, the following work presents a didactic proposal made with the purpose of promoting social inclusion in an ordinary classroom through motor activities that help and promote an inclusive climate. The methodology to be followed will be playful, participatory and global, with which motor development and social skills are the main sections to work from psychomotricity. Through these sessions, the aim is to familiarize students with cooperative work, as well as to seek autonomy and favor inclusion, being able to empathize with the partner while the student develops their own body knowledge. The proposal is intended for the second cycle of early childhood education, focusing on the second block for the work of the body and the image itself, the game and movement. This proposal aims to highlight the possibilities of psychomotor skills to promote social inclusion within an ordinary classroom while the students themselves empathize and develop their own motor skills.

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