Contruir a casa paulista. O discurso e a obra de Vilanova artigas entre 1967 e 1985

Dirigida por:
  1. Fernando Álvarez Prozorovich Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Fecha de defensa: 20 de junio de 2008

  1. Juan Antonio Calatrava Escobar Presidente
  2. Ruth Verde Zein Vocal
  3. José Ángel Sanz Esquide Vocal
  4. Rafael Díez Barreñada Vocal
  5. Juan Ignacio del Cueto Ruiz-Funes Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 274362 DIALNET


This research comprises the residential work and the theoretical approach of the Brazilian architect João Batista Vilanova Artigas between 1967 and 1985. It also aims to situate this production within the architectonic Brazilian culture of the 1970's, a period which is generally and widely marked by the conjugation of at least four factors: 1) the consequences of the sociopolitical crisis over the national culture; 2) the emergence of the problems of the big Brazilian cities and the consequent constitution of a new urban scenario; 3) the identification of the new theoretical dilemmas faced by the architectonic production when identifying its contradictions; 4) the impoverishment and posterior revival of the critical reflection in the architectonic ambit. Many aspects of ArtigaS' work- the connection between his architecture and the urban, cultural and social dimensions of São Paulo; the relationship between his work and the Brazilian modern tradition, which begins to diversify after Brasília was built; and the character of double experimentation, both structural-typological and social - allowed to identify in his projects previous to 1967 the evolution towards an architectonic system. In such system, the main components - ramps, studio, patio, cover and structure - assumed roles that are clearly inseparable and result in a modus operandi constituted by typological and social questions related to the resolution of structural problems, transforming, together, into a reflection about a problematic that is essentially spatial. The confrontation of such architectonic system with the projects developed between 1967 and 1985 allowed to identify its transformation from the diversity of roles and importance degrees assumed by each of its regulating components. Therefore, it was possible to define other interpretative layers that admitted the detachment of the previous understanding of Artigas' work. This detachment was developed with the intention to approach such projects to the 1970's, the moment when they were projected or constructed, and also to the vicissitudes Artigas faced in a personal and biographical sphere in this period. The connection of the analyzed projects to the moment they were developed showed a two-way-operation - renovate and invigorate - which reflect the transitoriness of the period in Brazil; such connection may be understood as an attempt to solve the dilemmas that were constituted in these years or even as a possible way to continue: to renovate the Brazilian modern architecture, capacitating it to deal with new problems, and to invigorate its most vital values.