Gestión musical y comunicaciónEl plan estratégico en la nueva programación cultural

  1. Rojas Rodríguez, David
Dirigée par:
  1. Juan Carlos Arañó Gisbert Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 27 septembre 2017

  1. Francisco Aznar Vallejo President
  2. Claudio González Jiménez Secrétaire
  3. Oswaldo Lorenzo Quiles Rapporteur
  4. Linda JM Thomson Rapporteur
  5. Alejandra Pacheco-Costa Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 569916 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


The purpose of this research work is to systematize and to deepen in the study of an emergent discipline: The Music Management. As an emergent part of Musicology, Music Management is integrated among the artistic and humanities subjects. However, as its own name shows, this speciality has important components both technical and scientific. The very term of Management points to the field of the economic sciences and enterprise administration. This aspect would embody what we could call “the other side of Music”: the side of planning, organization and evaluation of music projects. As it is a new coined term, or, at least, it has a new established usage, one of the main characteristics of this thesis will be to develop the concept, reach and connections of this new reality. In this way, we will develop its presence both at the academic and professional level, as, in fact, it constitutes a new professional landscape in the field of Music. Because of the hybrid nature of the Music Management we have mentioned above, both in its artistic and technical side, the mixture of terms regarding these two fields of knowledge (art and science), are permanent. In fact, its very name shows such an opposition: Music (art) and Management (science). Considering this, the very title of this work has been established deliberately mixing and connecting apparently disconnected terms: Management, trategic Plan (science, enterprise) / Music, Cultural (art, humanities). This double view overviews the whole approach of this work, being present at all its levels and, especially, regarding the Methodology. Thus, although the perspective carried out regarding the procedures employed is mainly Qualitative (being Music the main object of study), the fact that its analysis is approached from this new perspective (Management) leads to the need of using the Quantitative perspective, making it evident in some aspects approached as the assessment of the level of Professionalism in Music Management at such an important sector in the Cultural field as the Public Sector. From our statement that points to the need of a professional Music Manager profile, during our thesis some issues are presented in relation with both the Music Management discipline and the profile of the Music Manager and its characteristics, including also the presence of this professional in the Music Management field at the Public Sector. In relation with the research chapters that this thesis includes, the different views of the Music Management that have been approached have been structured in four large blocks. Thus, on the one hand, a History of Music Management has been developed under the question that if it is possible to develop a content like this around a discipline that, because of its new establishment, has, at the moment, a lack of such an attribute. On the other hand, relating to the presence of the Music Management at Spanish Public Administration run by specialized professionals, a detailed study has been run addressing both the organisms featured with such a competence and the professional profiles of their components, so that, apart from extracting conclusions about this issue, a complete structural and functional scheme has been contributed in relation with Music Management relating both the State Administration and the Autonomous Administration, through the Andalusian Autonomous Community. In addition, Music Management has been analyzed from the methodic perspective addressing the issue of the best methods to be applied to its professional practice and, also, its mere evolution. In this sense, a methodology through the Indirect Procedures has been proposed, which, starting from its successful application to related fields and, also, to the Music field at its performance level, has been extrapolated and justified to its application in the Management field, becoming an interesting option at the disposal of the Music Manager. Lastly, with the target of establishing the indissoluble relation between Music Management and Communication, a research has been run approaching the application of key concepts such as Positioning, Segmentation or Strategic Planning at the sphere of Cultural Programming. This topic, in the Music field, is studied exploring the adaptations that would be necessary in order to get the suitable application of the techniques involved to our field, with the aim of attaining a modern and efficient Music Management. In this way, this Management is pointed to be run by a specialized professional profile in the Management of Music, with both enough knowledge and experience to attain such a target. The conclusions obtained after the evaluation of the content developed from these four perspectives shed light on the Music Management discipline relating its history, Public Administration structure, methodological landscape and new techniques and procedures that, in relation with this emergent discipline, may take part of its professional practice. The thesis we propose constitutes, thus, a deep study that aims to approach the music reality from a new perspective, alien, in principle, to its very nature. From a metaphorical point of view, it could be seen as a kind of audit to which Music is undergone, being analyzed from its very mechanism of existence and development. At these new times in which competitiveness grows exponentially, any institution needs of its own mechanisms of both prevision and planning to ensure its existence. The incorporation of a professional Management to the Music field will have to be a forefront objective for cultural policies and to attaint such a target, the participation of a new professional profile specialized in the Management of Music will be needed: the Professional Music Manager.