Erratum: Correction to: Intermediate levels of predation and nutrient enrichment enhance the activity of ibuprofen degrading bacteria (Microbial ecology (2023) 86 2 (1438-1441))

  1. Peralta-Maraver, I.
  2. Rutere, C.
  3. Horn, M.A.
  4. Reche, I.
  5. Behrends, V.
  6. Reiss, J.
  7. Robertson, A.L.
Microbial ecology

ISSN: 1432-184X

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 86

Issue: 2

Pages: 1442

Type: Erratum

DOI: 10.1007/S00248-022-02145-Y GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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