Vet in europe. Monitoring erasmus+

  1. Olagüe Smithson, Carlos
Dirigida por:
  1. Javier Manuel Valle López Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 21 de diciembre de 2016

  1. Ismael Sanz Labrador Presidente/a
  2. Mónica Torres Sánchez Secretaria
  3. Irene Psifidou Vocal
  4. Luis Miguel Serrano Cámara Vocal
  5. Matilde Pilar Sánchez Fernández Vocal

Tipo: Tesis


The project “VET in Europe. Monitoring Erasmus+” analyses the vocational education and training in Europe and the Erasmus+ funding procedures. It first describes VET from a historical point of view: it examines the training procedures during the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages, the Industrial Revolution and finishes with the specific actions proposed by the European Union. The European Union uses the following frameworks that foster international compatibility: ECTS and ECVET credits, EQF, EQAVET and Erasmus+. Secondly, the text analyses the distribution of the Erasmus+ KA102 VET funds and evaluates if this distribution is being done fairly, with equity. This analysis has been done with mathematical tools proposed by the author that provide information from three different perspectives: the impact of the funds on the students, the regions NUTS1/NUTS2 and the nations. The mathematical tools proposed by the present research can be used to evaluate equity in the rest of Erasmus+ key actions, comparing the equity in the funds’ distribution between the countries participating in the Erasmus+ programme and its evolution over time. The countries studied in the current research are France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. These five countries contain more than half of all the vocational education and training students in the European Union. Also, these countries had the most students participating in mobilities during the previous Leonardo da Vinci programme. Hence, it is possible to consider that the conclusions of the current research offer a significant image of the situation of VET mobilities in Europe. 2.1 KEY WORDS Comparative Education, Vocational Education and Training, Equity, Erasmus+, EQF, NQF, EQAVET, ECVET, ECTS.