La música y los valores humanos: Análisis del flujo de valores humanos dentro del Sistema Nacional de Orquestas Juveniles e Infantiles de Venezuela

  1. Burgos García, Osvaldo
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Quintín Calle Carabias Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Málaga

Fecha de defensa: 05 von Februar von 2016

  1. Concepción Fernández Vivas Präsidentin
  2. Carlos Pérez Ariza Sekretär/in
  3. Lorenzo Triviño López Vocal
  4. José María Oyola Pérez Vocal
  5. Marta Ortega Gaspar Vocal

Art: Dissertation


The main objective of this research is to establish the shared human values scale that prevails in the Venezuelan National System of Youth and Children Orchestras and Choirs, known as El Sistema, taking as reference five of its main musical ensembles. The theoretical framework develops the definition of human values, taking as main reference Schwartz et al. (2012). Also, it reviews previous research about Venezuelans human values and the link between music and human values and develops a profile about El Sistema, explaining its origins and organization. Next chapter establishes methodological aspects of the research: a descriptive work, with a quantitative methodology and some qualitative aspects too. From five of the main music ensembles in the organization, the sample stablished was 199 musicians, assuming a 95% confidence interval with a margin of error of 6%. Correspondingly, a total of 306 subjects were questioned with the revised version of the Personal Values Questionnaire (PVQ-R), developed by Shalom Schwartz, accompanied by a set of demographic questions and an open question about what they considered it was the most important thing they had obtained from their formation at El Sistema. From those 306 answers obtained, 233 accomplished the criteria to be considered as valid to stablish the values scale. In the final analysis, the most important value for this musicians appears to be Security-Personal. This result seems to be a bias motivated by the highly violent situation lived in Venezuela nowadays. The five most important values observed after this one were: Benevolence-dependability, Self-direction-action, Benevolence-caring, Self-directionthought and Universalism-concern. Moreover, these values were observed on 26 of the 32 categories created for this research, on different orders, though. On the less important side of the scale, the research stablished that El Sistema musicians have no interest on pursuing power, contrary of what previous works stated about Venezuelan people. As a matter of fact, this was confirmed in all the 32 mentioned categories. In conclusion, under the outcomes of the present research, the musicians formed by the Venezuelan National System of Youth and Children Orchestras and Choirs appear as someone with a very high sense of affiliation, who values freedom to think and act and who is always committed to their ensemble members. Even though concerned about world issues, their main anchor is on their immediate social circle. They feel also, completely distant from pursuing power, having very little interest on controlling other people and no interest on accumulate any wealth. These musicians assume their vision on a very violent environment of permanent risk, which make them take their personal security as their main priority. On the other hand, considering the answers to the open question included in the final questionnaire, some guidance principles were established on the base of El Sistema as a micro society. Among others, affiliation, excellence, teamwork, discipline, achievement and educating the new generations were observed.