Geometric characteristics of clouds from ceilometer measurements and radiosounding methods

  1. Costa Surós, Montserrat
Dirigida por:
  1. Josep Abel González Gutiérrez Director/a
  2. Josep Calbó Angrill Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat de Girona

Fecha de defensa: 02 de octubre de 2014

  1. Jeronimo Lorente Castello Presidente/a
  2. Arturo Sánchez Lorenzo Secretario/a
  3. Lucas Alados-Arboledas Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

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Improving methods for automatic and continuous description of cloud has a huge importance in order to determine the role of clouds in climate and their contribution to climate change. The geometric characteristics of clouds, such as the cloud cover and the cloud vertical structure (CVS), including the cloud base height (CBH) which is linked to cloud type, are very important for describing the impact clouds have on the atmosphere. It is presented a complete study of the cloud cover and the CBH above Girona (Spain) measured with a ceilometer, during the period 2007-2010. And a comparison of the CVS obtained from methods based on radiosonde profiles with estimations produced by ground-based active instruments (that is, the Active Remote Sensing of Clouds, ARSCL) over Southern Great Plains (USA) is presented in order to find the better approximation to the real vertical structure and reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the methods