Diversitat cultural i educació. Per una educació intercultural a les escoles d'educació primària

  1. Besalú Costa, Xavier
Dirigida por:
  1. Paco Jiménez Martínez Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat de Girona

Fecha de defensa: 31 de agosto de 2006

  1. Salomó Marquès Sureda Presidente/a
  2. Montserrat Vilà Suñé Secretario/a
  3. Francisco Javier García Castaño Vocal
  4. Jose Fidel Molina Luque Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 134751 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The thesis wants to reply four questions. Which conception of intercultural education, do Catalonia need in the 21st century? How has the educational system of Catalonia faced the arrival of foreign origin pupils? What kinds of changes will have to propitiate in the school curriculum in order to make a more scientific and fairer education? Which has to be the training that we have to offer to the teaching staff of the basic education to guarantee an intercultural education? The intercultural education that is advocated in this thesis is that which it proposes to work so that all pupils learn to life in open and plural societies. In the intercultural education that is proposed there are three different emphases; the one that puts the accent on the ethical aspects, in the didactic aspects and in the cultural or curricular ones. And regarding the formation of the teachers, it is said that one of the first objective has to be the revision of the knowledge themselves and actitudes.