Efectes de la invasió de la formiga argentina, Linepithema humile (Mayr), sobre el procés de dispersió de llavors de plantes mediterrànies

  1. Oliveras Huix, Jordi
Dirigida por:
  1. Josep M. Bas Lay Director/a
  2. Crisanto Gómez López Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat de Girona

Fecha de defensa: 20 de septiembre de 2005

  1. Xavier Espadaler Gelabert Presidente/a
  2. Joan Font García Secretario/a
  3. José Alberto Tinaut Ranera Vocal
  4. Emili García-Berthou Vocal
  5. María soledad Carpintero Ortega Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 128970 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The invasive ant Linepithema humile (Mayr), known as the Argentine ant, is present in the Iberian peninsula. This thesis is focused on the effect of the presence of this pest ant over the native ant community and the seed dispersal process of Mediterranean plants. The study was carried out in a cork oak secondary forest situated in the north-eastern Iberian peninsula, near the Mediterranean coast. One of the first and most notorious effects of the invasion in our study areas is the dramatic alteration of the ant community, with a reduction of the ant species richness and the homogeneity of abundances. Moreover, any native seed dispersal ant remains at the invaded zones. Due to the higher abundance of Argentine ant workers in the invaded areas, and their higher tempo of activity, this species carries out an intense soil surface searching and can find resources in a lower time than native ants do in the non-invaded zones. However, the mandible gap of the ant community becomes highly reduced in the invaded zones due to the displacement of the native ant species, most of them bigger than the Argentine ant. This could limit the ability of ants in handling the environment in the invaded zones, and could explain the lack of replacement of some tasks carried out by the native ants before the invasion. The Argentine ant is attracted by the seeds of the nine studied plant species (two euforbiaceae: Euphorbia biumbellata and E. characias; two compositae: Cirsium vulgare and Galactites tomentosa; and five papilionaceae: Genista linifolia, G. monspessulana, G. triflora, Sarothamnus arboreus and Ulex parviflorus), transporting and even introducing some seeds to the nest, but with lower probabilities than the native ants in the non-invaded zones. However, its behavior in front of the nine seed species is variable, so the effect over the seed dispersal process could be different for each plant species. The alteration of the seed dispersal process appears not to affect the reproductive success of a single species, Euphorbia characias, in the invaded zones; neither recruitment, spatial distribution, nor survival of seedlings are significantly different between the invaded and the non-invaded zones. The disappearance of the native granivorous ant species from the invaded zones can affect the seed dynamics of non-myrmecochorous species. In this sense, seeds of three papilionaceae (Calicotome spinosa, Psoralea bituminosa and Spartium junceum) result with a lower level of transport (and probably lower predation) in zones invaded by the Argentine ant.