Interés de los alumnos en las actividades de prácticas tuteladas en farmacia escuela en Curitiba-Brasil

  1. Rossignoli, Paula
  2. Correr, Cassyano J.
  3. Fernandez Llimos, Fernando
Seguimiento Farmacoterapéutico

ISSN: 1696-1137

Year of publication: 2003

Volume: 1

Issue: 2

Pages: 62-68

Type: Article

More publications in: Seguimiento Farmacoterapéutico


Involved in the context of the pharmaceutical care the Faculty of Pharmacy at University of Costa Rica (UCR), has occurred to the task of re-adapting its curriculum so that pharmaceutical care were nowadays the transverse axis of this curriculum. The training function within the faculty has been in charge of the National Drug Information Center (CIMED), even for undergraduate or professionals.. Method: During 2002-2003 the CIMED has organized 2 courses on pharmacotherapy follow-up using the Dáder methodology devoted to professionals, which have been attended by 94 professionals. A survey to the participants of both courses with a 5-point scale was made. Results: 44 pharmacists in 2002 and 50 in the 2003 attended the courses. Those courses were very good considered in practically all the categories by most of the assistants. Altogether, of the 94 pharmacists there are 32 who have showed their interest in the Dáder methodology and offer the service of pharmacotherapy follow-up to the patients with diverse pathologies. Although the training courses are very important, it is also important to pursuit that participants keep on providing follow-up in the following weeks and months; otherwise, professionals lose the interest in caring the patient and the knowledge acquired on the methodology and the forms management are forgotten. Keywords: pre-graduate education, residency, pharmacy students