Cuestionamiento de dinámicas de patologización y exclusión discursiva desde perspectivas trans e intersex

  1. Suess, Amets
Revista de estudios sociales

ISSN: 1900-5180 0123-885X

Argitalpen urtea: 2014

Zenbakia: 49

Orrialdeak: 128-143

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.7440/RES49.2014.10 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de estudios sociales

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak


In opposition to a research tradition �on� trans and intersex people without their participation, a discursive production has emerged over the last decades from theoretical-activist trans and intersex perspectives which contributes reflections and conceptualizations related to the debate on citizenship, intersectionality and reflexivity. From the experience of dynamics of pathologization in the clinical, legal and social context, trans and intersex authors raise the question for dynamics of categorization, pathologization and discursive exclusion inherent to social research practices, including the analysis of inequalities in access to discursive production circuits on a global scale. These theoretical reflections are closely related to discourses contributed by trans depathologization activism and intersex movement, which in the last years have achieved an increased presence in different regions of the world. From a self-reflexive view on the own theoretical-activist and geopolitical position, as well as the review of the contribution of trans and intersex authors in the field of social research, two theoretical�activist editorial projects created from trans and intersex perspectives will be pr esented.