Cultura, tecnología y urbanismolas bases para construir una ciudad global. El caso Málaga
- Castro-Higueras, Antonio
- Pérez-Rufí, José-Patricio 1
- 1 Henrique-Vieira, Luís
ISSN: 1989-872X
Año de publicación: 2021
Volumen: 12
Número: 1
Páginas: 65-76
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación: Mediterranean Journal of Communication
Global cities have become important nodes for concentrations of political and economic power. The study assumes that creative and emerging cities are prior conditions for becoming a global city. Focus is also directed on the so-called adaptive agents that promote and favour collective behaviours. To address the phenomenon, a specific case was studied: the city of Malaga. The study seeks to determine whether Malaga has become an emerging city, from being configured as a cultural and creative city, and could be considered a global city in the near future. A further objective is to analyse the role of the Malaga Local Council as an adapter agent responsible, in part, for the dynamics of the city. For this, the case study method was employed in a systematic review of secondary sources in relation to the city’s evolution over the last two decades. The results confirm Malaga as a cultural and creative city and place it among emerging cities. In conclusion, the directing and strategic role played by Malaga Local Council in the city’s development is acknowledged.
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