Life-cicle assessment and prefabrication. Valuation fo the environmental performance in defferent industrialized systems in building sector

  1. Lizana Moral, F. J
  2. Serrano Jiménez, Antonio
  3. Vilches Such, A
  4. Barrios Padura, Ángela
  5. Molina Huelva, Marta
Proceedings of the II International congress on sustainable construction and eco-efficient solutions : Seville 25-27 may 2015
  1. Mercader Moyano, María del Pilar (dir. congr.)

Publisher: Universidad de Sevilla, Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas

ISBN: 9788461739646

Year of publication: 2015

Pages: 1007-1019

Congress: International Congress on sustainable construction & eco-efficient solutions (2. 2015. Sevilla)

Type: Conference paper