Procesos de acompañamiento socioeducativo y adaptación a la vida en libertad en mujeres penadas

  1. Rubén Burgos Jiménez
  2. Ana Amaro Agudo
  3. Fanny Añaños
Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria

ISSN: 1139-1723

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 42

Pages: 197-214

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7179/PSRI_2023.42.13 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria


From the educational field, the penitentiary environment can constitute an institutional space oriented to socio-educational action for the re-education and in-reintegration of convicted persons. Professional accompaniment involves a process of action that promotes, among other things, autonomy and empowerment for life in freedom. This is developed by different professionals or personnel linked to the environment, distinguishing intra-penitentiary and extra-penitentiary actions. However, convicted women experience institutional inequalities due to their low population presence, specific personal characteristics, etc., limiting their professional support and reintegration. This article analyzes the perceptions of penitentiary professionals and convicted women about the accompaniment processes carried out and the adaptation to their socio-personal characteristics for the best in-reintegration. A national investigation was carried out with a sample of 756 convicted women and 109 prison professionals within the framework of two R+D+i projects. Mixed questionnaires were applied to both types of sample and semi-structured interviews were applied to women. A bivariate descriptive statistical analysis was performed for the quantitative data and a content analysis for the qualitative data. The results showed that the accompaniment processes are developed mostly by non-penitentiary professionals in the ordinary regime (84.6%), being the ones that most consider the socio-personal needs of women, especially educational levels and drug addictions. Convicted women presented difficulties for the continuity of accompaniment processes in an open regime, since these actions are received only by 51.6%, highlighting addicted women (58.3%) and victims of gender violence (63.6%). Likewise, 38.7% demanded social and labor insertion programs and 31.2% individualized interventions. However, there were limitations in the socio-educational action with a gender perspective and the scope of professional support actions in the open regime, which prevents an adequate adaptation of women to life in freedom.

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