The influence of urban factors on senior tourists' choice for the location of a second home. An evaluation of assisted living desirability and residential preferences in costa brava

Dirigée par:
  1. Carlos Ramiro Marmolejo Duarte Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Fecha de defensa: 06 février 2018

  1. Josep Roca Cladera President
  2. Rosa Maria Fraguell Sansbelló Secrétaire
  3. Consuelo del Moral Ávila Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 147810 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


Spanish Mediterranean coasts are known as famous tourism destinations and have been under the construction of tourist accommodations and second home developments for several decades. These areas have faced with unsustainability symptoms resulted from the seasonality nature of mass tourism and sprawl form of urban land use. In this situation, international retirement migration has appeared as a phenomenon impacting in these coastal areas while the recent demographic projections show the increase of ageing in Europe. This fact, will generate changes in demography of international tourists of these destinations and require a specific evaluation according to elderly preferences. In such a pattern, European visitors who are retired or getting retired within 20 years are the target group of this research to seek two aims: first, evaluating the geographic-urban attributes that this person does consider in selecting the location of their desired second home, particularly for retirement period; and the second aim is evaluating their desired residential preferences. Regarding the first aim, the analysis includes evaluating the physical and quantitative urban factors that could change or influence tourists¿ evaluation toward decision of buying or renting a second home in coastal areas. These variables are categorized in built environment, socio-cultural environment and natural environment categories. In addition, the role of Mediterranean cities¿ characteristics as a probable attraction of the area in such a decision is evaluated. The second aim, refers to the residential preferences by an approach on the desirability of assisted living facilities for the second home. Moreover, regarding the seasonal use of tourist accommodation in coastal areas, as a prospective adjective, it¿s intended to assess if it¿s possible to promote a model of second home for retirees in such tourist accommodation during the low season of tourism. As the study area, Costa Brava, a famous tourism destination in the northeastern part of the Spanish Mediterranean coast, is selected in which second home has a remarkable share in its real estate market. The research by a quantitative approach is conducted through a questionnaire including listed geographic, urban and residential variables in Likert scale and 191 fulfilled questionnaires gathered. Findings showed that in addition to the natural and cultural attractions of the area, there are some attributes in built environment category indicated as important in selecting the second home area; these factors, mainly refer to the accessibility concept; for instance, maintained streets and sidewalks and the proximity to shopping and hospital. Moreover, the study focussed on people interested in having a second home in the area, to assess the attractiveness of the area for this potential second homers. Findings regarding the Mediterranean urban aspects, showed no significant interest in these aspects among this interested people. In housing typology, a high interest was indicated in detached and semi-detached house forms for desired second home, whereas development of such housings is in contrast to the traditional compact form of Mediterranean cities. Evaluating other residential preferences and desired assisted services concluded to a remarkable interest in these services and in other maintenance methods rather than self-maintenance of second homes. Results propose the possibility to develop a new model of second homes for retirees addressing further studies on transformation of actual tourist accommodations. In conclusion implications resulted from the analysis, stress the importance of elder-friendly environments and the environmental protection issues. Moreover, the significant cultural attractive attributes in this research, such as the attitude of locals proposed suggestions in public policy and regional planning.