Inclusión del arte contemporáneo en el aula de educación infantil. Los viajes de Julio Verne a través de la instalación artística.

  1. Pilar Manuela Soto Solier 1
  2. Raquel Ferriz Vivancos 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


Arte y movimiento: revista interdisciplinar del Departamento de didáctica de la expresión musical, plástica y corporal

ISSN: 1989-9548

Année de publication: 2014

Número: 11

Pages: 25-40

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Arte y movimiento: revista interdisciplinar del Departamento de didáctica de la expresión musical, plástica y corporal


Facing the need to create new dialogue, participation and knowledge creation areas, the aim of this investigation is a change which will make possible a “Passion for learning, analyzing how the subconscious spoils the specular of the traditional method” (Acaso, 2013), being part of the learning process the element of surprise, the unexpected. Evolving changes in methodology and assessment should be carried out from the first moment the learning process begins, since pre-school education. This is the aim of this project, considering as the main goal the introduction of new active, participatory, democratic and working methodologies through an artistic installation. To create spaces where interactive learning experiences are generated and question their educational opportunities and psychosocial crusade based on the cartoon movie “Around the World in 80 Days", book written by Jules Verne, trips and adventures children “deliver” as creative and producer students through “Action Art”, fusing the visual and body language. Therefore, the classroom which will become “a place inhabited by children and teachers”, is changing this way from an “educative simulation” to the “educative experience”. This proposal is actually taking place in the State School CEIP Mariano Aroca Lopez in Murcia.

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