Edad de la primera compensación de la presbicia, factores asociados

  1. JL García Serrano
  2. R López Raya
  3. T Mylonopoulos Caripidis
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia

ISSN: 0365-6691

Year of publication: 2002

Volume: 77

Issue: 11

Pages: 597-603

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4321/S0365-66912002001100003 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia


Purpose: We carried out a prospective study based on variables related to the age of appearance of presbyopia (AAP): refraction defect, sex, iris color, profession and pupil diameter. Method: Our sample population was made up of 179 persons who present consecutively for the first optical correction of presbyopia as sole reason, having a refractive defect equal to 1 diopter or less. Results: In our series the AAP was not influenced by the small refraction defect, neither by sex or iris color. Different professions showed a significant AAP difference later in life (farmers, x = 51.76 D.E. 5.47 years) or earlier (services workers, x = 46.15 D.E. 3.55 years) (p<0.000003, ANOVA), than other professions such as housewife (48.42 D.E. 4.71 years) and construction workers (47.54 D.E. 3.93 years). We found significant differences in AAP among subjects with intense miosis (<2,5 mm, x = 51 D.E. 5.39 years) and without miosis (3 to 7 mm, x = 47.47 D.E. 4.71 years) (p<0.02 t Student). Conclusions: The variables which determine a significant delay in the AAP are: profession (farmer and housewife) and miosis, a 1 mm pupilar diameter reduction, in near vision, could contribute to a delay of 1.53 years in AAP.

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