El síndrome de tracción vitreomacularestudio mediante OTC

  1. Aranda, A.
  2. Vazquez Dorrego, X.
  3. Navarro Angulo, M.J.
  4. Ortiz, S.
  5. Molina, J.
Annals d'oftalmologia: òrgan de les Societats d'Oftalmologia de Catalunya, Valencia i Balears

ISSN: 1133-7737

Year of publication: 2007

Volume: 15

Issue: 1

Type: Article

More publications in: Annals d'oftalmologia: òrgan de les Societats d'Oftalmologia de Catalunya, Valencia i Balears


This article is intended to describe the clinical characteristics, as well as highlighting the uses of OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography), both for the diagnosis and therapeutic decision of Vitreomacular Traction Syndrome (VTS) after having reviewed three clinical cases diagnosed and controlled in our facilities. The study of this pathology with OCT allows us to carry out an appropriate differential diagnosis with other clinical cases in a non-invasive way. It also helps us to control how the case evolves, as well as indicating us objectively when it is necessary to operate the patient, taking into account his sintomatology.