Entrevista a Lester Salamon, director de los Estudios Internacionales sobre Tercer Sector

  1. Vicente Ballesteros Alarcón
Revista española del tercer sector

ISSN: 1886-0400

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Nummer: 34

Seiten: 203-216

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista española del tercer sector

Bibliographische Referenzen

  • ANHEIER, H. K., & SALAMON, L. M. (2006). The nonprofit sector in comparative perspective. The nonprofit sector: A research handbook, 89-114.
  • DEHOOG, R. H., & SALAMON, L. M. (2002). Purchase-of-service contracting. The tools of government: A guide to the new governance, 319-339.
  • FRANCO, R. C., & SALAMON, L. M. (2005). Defining the nonprofit sector: Portugal. Johns Hopkins University Center for Civil Society Studies.
  • GRONBJERG, K. A., & SALAMON, L. M. (2002). Devolution, marketization, and the changing shape of government-nonprofit relations. The state of nonprofit America, 447-470.
  • O’Brien, M., Tennant, M., Sokolowski, S. W., & Salamon, L. M. (2008). The New Zealand non-profit sector in comparative perspective. Wellington: Office of the Community and Voluntary Sector.
  • SALAMON, L. M. (2000). New Governance and the Tools of Public Action: An Introduction, The. Fordham Urb. LJ, 28, 1611.
  • - (2002). The tools approach and the new governance: conclusion and implications. The tools of government: A guide to the new governance, 600-610.
  • - (2003). The Resilient Sector: The State of Nonprofit America. Brookings Institution Press.
  • - (2005). The changing context of American nonprofit management. Robert D. Herman and Associates, The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management, Second Edition (San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2005), 81-101.
  • - (2005). Training professional citizens: Getting beyond the right answer to the wrong question in public affairs education. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 11(1), 7-19.
  • - (2006). Government-nonprofit relations from an international perspective. Nonprofits and government: Collaboration and conflict, 2, 399-431.
  • - (2007). Measuring civil society and volunteering: initial findings from implementation of the UN Handbook on Nonprofit Institutions. Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies.
  • - (2010). Putting the civil society sector on the economic map of the world. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 81(2), 167-210.
  • - (2010). The changing context of nonprofit leadership and management. The Jossey-Bass handbook of nonprofit leadership and management, 3, 77-100.
  • - (2012).The State of Nonprofit America. Brookings Institution Press.
  • - (2014). Leverage for Good: An Introduction to the New Frontiers of Philanthropy and Social Investment. Oxford University Press.
  • - (2014). Il progetto Philanthropication thru privatization. Come creare patrimoni filantropici per il bene comune. Il Mulino,
  • - (2014). New Frontiers of Philanthropy: A Guide to the New Tools and New Actors that Are Reshaping Global Philanthropy and Social Investing.Oxford University Press.
  • - (2015). Rethinking corporate social engagement: Lessons from Latin America. Вестник Института социологии, (12), 79-99.
  • Salamon, L. M., & Geller, S. L. (2007). The nonprofit workforce crisis: Real or imagined. Listening Post Project.
  • Salamon, L. M., Sokolowski, S. W., & List, R. (2003). Global civil society. Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies.
  • Salamon, L. M., & Sokolowski, S. W. (2003). Institutional roots of volunteering (pp. 71-90). Springer US.
  • Salamon, L. M., & Sokolowski, S. W. (2005). Nonprofit organizations: New insights from QCEW data. Monthly Lab. Rev., 128, 19.
  • Salamon, L. M., & Wojciech Sokolowski, S. (2006). Second commentary on Heinrich: “Studying civil society across the world”. Journal of Civil Society, 2(1), 85-88.
  • Salamon, L. M., & Sokolowski, S. W. (2006). Employment in America’s charities: A profile. National Bulletin, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies.
  • Salamon, L. M., Sokolowski, S. W., & Haddock, M. A. (2011). Measuring the economic value of volunteer work globally: Concepts, estimates, and a roadmap to the future. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 82(3), 217- 252. Salamon, L. M., Sokolowski, S. W., & Geller, S. L. (2012). Holding the fort: Nonprofit employment during a decade of turmoil. Nonprofit Employment Bulletin, 39, 1-17. Salamon, L. M., & Toepler, S. (2000). The influence of the legal environment on the development of the nonprofit sector.
  • Sokolowski, S. W., & Salamon, L. M. (2005). Mirror, mirror on the wall? Commentary on Heinrich. Journal of Civil Society, 1(3), 235-240.