The contribution of risk factors to the higher incidence of invasive and in situ breast cancers in women with higher levels of education in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition

  1. Menvielle, G.
  2. Kunst, A.E.
  3. Van Gils, C.H.
  4. Peeters, P.H.
  5. Boshuizen, H.
  6. Overvad, K.
  7. Olsen, A.
  8. Tjonneland, A.
  9. Hermann, S.
  10. Kaaks, R.
  11. Bergmann, M.M.
  12. Illner, A.-K.
  13. Lagiou, P.
  14. Trichopoulos, D.
  15. Trichopoulou, A.
  16. Palli, D.
  17. Berrino, F.
  18. Mattiello, A.
  19. Tumino, R.
  20. Sacerdote, C.
  21. May, A.
  22. Monninkhof, E.
  23. Braaten, T.
  24. Lund, E.
  25. Quirós, J.R.
  26. Duell, E.J.
  27. Sánchez, M.-J.
  28. Navarro, C.
  29. Ardanaz, E.
  30. Borgquist, S.
  31. Manjer, J.
  32. Khaw, K.T.
  33. Allen, N.E.
  34. Reeves, G.K.
  35. Chajes, V.
  36. Rinaldi, S.
  37. Slimani, N.
  38. Gallo, V.
  39. Vineis, P.
  40. Riboli, E.
  41. Bueno-De-Mesquita, H.B.
  42. Erakutsi egile guztiak +
American Journal of Epidemiology

ISSN: 0002-9262 1476-6256

Argitalpen urtea: 2011

Alea: 173

Zenbakia: 1

Orrialdeak: 26-37

Mota: Artikulua


Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak