Michel Foucault y su visión del panóptico como modelo de referencia en la obra de Dan Graham.

Arte y Ciudad: Revista de Investigación

ISSN: 2254-7673

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 12

Pages: 161-184

Type: Article

More publications in: Arte y Ciudad: Revista de Investigación


Foucault says that the panopticon signified a new system of political power for society, a new way of exerting power over society and controlling its actions in different contexts and situations. He understands a model of society that today is organized from the same forms of power, both for prisons, schools, factories, hospitals, etc. The panoptic space is constituted as a closed space, it is the principle of closure. In modernity, according to Foucault, new forms of cleaner and more rational control began to appear as a method of disciplinary punishment, based on the Bentham panopticon. One of the artists who has reflected more on transparency, vision, glass architecture, but also on issues related to the monitoring and control of individuals and spaces, through the construction of simple living quarters Transparent glass connected to video surveillance systems, in which the work interacts with the public and vice versa. Dan Graham constructs spaces in which the observer of that space is at the same time observed. We will highlight one of the artist's masterpieces, in which he inaugurates a new facet in the practice of Dan Graham, in which he begins to use the CCTV (Circuito Cerrado de Televisión). Artistic proposals by Dan Graham reflect on the new systems of control and surveillance of contemporary society, criticizing the abundance of these tools used by governments, the State, and ultimately by society as security systems.

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