La presencia de los valores religiosos en el espacio europeo de educación superior a la vista del Tratado de la unión europea.

  1. Luis Miguel García Lozano 1
  1. 1 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid ; Audiencia Provincial de Alicante
La Razón histórica: revista hispanoamericana de historia de las ideas políticas y sociales

ISSN: 1989-2659

Année de publication: 2019

Número: 43

Pages: 1-15

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: La Razón histórica: revista hispanoamericana de historia de las ideas políticas y sociales


The religious values are a reality that has accompanied and strengthened the transformation of our continent throughout the two millennia of evolution since they merged with Roman civic-legal values. It has not been something isolated that has been reserved for the private sphere, but they have always had an important public presence. In that same tendency, they had access to the Treaties of the European Communities and their subsequent reforms, recognizing in this way their importance in the face of the society they helped to form. However, in the last decades they are proceeding to border, with the corresponding damage that this entails for society. Therefore, not only should they be rescued from oblivion, but even give them a growing role, along with another one to European civic values, among the young European citizens through the university study plans so that they have a clear knowledge of their importance for the evolution of our continent and the construction of European citizenship.

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