Convenio sobre el medio ambiente de trabajo (contaminación del aire, ruido y vibraciones) 1977 (núm. 148)
Universidad de Granada
ISSN: 2282-2313
Year of publication: 2019
Issue Title: Conmemoración del Centenario de la OIT, 2019
Volume: 7
Issue: 0
Pages: 1150-1163
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Internacional y Comparada de Relaciones Laborales y Derecho del Empleo
The adoption of ILO Convention implies the improvement of the conditions of labour relations. The projection that offers these regulatory initiatives provides an expansive dimension through a regulatory framework. They are a reference not only for the most highly developed countries but also for the most prominent supranational organisations. ILO Convention No. 148 was the turning point in a world in which the care for the environment has come to play a central role. Although prevention measures against air pollution, noise, control regulation and vibration were initially related with work, the truth is that their appropriate regulation is directly related not only with the labour but also with primary purposes for humanity such as to achieve a sustainable world economy and respectful with the natural environment