Contenido obligacional del contrato de servicios del abogado. Un repaso jurisprudencial

  1. Gloria Ortega Reinoso 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada, España
Revista jurídica de Castilla y León

ISSN: 1696-6759

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 34

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista jurídica de Castilla y León


The purpose of this paper is to specify the obligational content of the Attorney contract with his client, from the principal obligation of the Lawyer to advise or defend, which is configured as an obligation of means, under a service contract, in addition to accessory obligations of information, confidentiality, loyalty... Also analyzed their fulfillment and non-fulfillment, and the client’s obligation to pay the Lawyer his fees according to the minutes he will present detailed.

Bibliographic References

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