El papel de la asertividad docente en el desarrollo de la competencia social de su alumnado

  1. M.D. Villena Martínez 1
  2. F. Justicia Justicia 1
  3. E. Fernández de Haro 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España

    ROR https://ror.org/04njjy449

Electronic journal of research in educational psychology

ISSN: 1696-2095

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 14

Issue: 39

Pages: 310-332

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14204/EJREP.39.15078 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Electronic journal of research in educational psychology


Introduction. The social competence of school students has been studied extensively in terms of the effect on children of being or not being socially competent. However, there has been little analysis of how teachers contribute to the development of these skills. This research assesses the influence of teacher assertiveness on the social competence of their students and on the cohesion of the class group. Method. The sample consisted of 36 teachers and 302 sixth-year Primary School students. The teachers filled in the ADCAs Self-assessment Report on Attitudes and Values in Social Interactions in the ADCA-pr form, and the students the AECS Social Attitudes and Cognitive Strategies report and form A of the BULL-S Inter-Pupil Aggressiveness Assessment Test. A first linear regression analysis took as dependent variables the attitudes comprising social competence and incompetence. The independent variables were the self-assertiveness, hetero-assertiveness, age and gender of the teacher, and the age and gender of the student as modulators of the effect. We also used a Generalised Estimating Equation model in which the dependent variable was the cohesion of the group and the independent variables were the self-assertiveness, hetero-assertiveness, age and gender of the teacher. Results. The results show, on one hand, that the teacher's hetero-assertiveness affects students' social competence, lessening their dominance (antisocial attitude), and on the other, that both selfassertiveness and hetero-assertiveness influence the cohesion of the group, although this effect is mediated by the gender of the teacher and the construct itself. Discussion and Conclusion: It is confirmed that assertiveness positively influences the development of students' social competence, and more specifically, that of students who manipulate and take advantage of others for their own benefit and feel themselves to be superior to them, while increasing cohesion among the members of the class group. Therefore, it appears to be a desirable interpersonal skill for professional teachers.

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