Fomas targúmicas. Traducción, expansión e inserción
ISSN: 1696-585X
Ano de publicación: 2011
Título do exemplar: Homenaje al Profesor Ángel Sáenz-Badillos Pérez (II)
Número: 60
Páxinas: 173-190
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Miscelánea de estudios árabes y hebraicos. Sección de hebreo
The tel-like character of Targumim with their different strata is obvious. The text can be studied as a whole admiring the wealth it has accumulated. But it is fascinating to study the content and context of every stratum and contemplate the growth process. This article aims to identify some basic literary forms of Targum literature in order to rebuil, if possible, the process from the primitive oral translation to the current literary text.
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