Limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico. Opinión de estudiantes universitarios de Enfermería
- Manuel Fernando Guardia Mesa
- Cobos Vargas, Angel
- García Carmona, Rosa María
- Montes Vega, Montserrat
ISSN: 1138-7262
Year of publication: 2015
Volume: 18
Issue: 8
Type: Article
More publications in: Metas de enfermería
Sustainable development goals
Limitation of Therapeutic Effort (LTE). Method: a transversal descriptive study on 97 students of the 3rd and 4th year at the Virgen de las Nieves University School of Nursing in Granada, through the self-administered anonymous questionnaire validated by Llaja Rojas et al. Other variables: profession, gender, marital status, age, years of experience at work, and religion. Data treatment and analysis: descriptive analysis of variables and bivariate analysis through Chi Square Test. Results: a 48.4% of participants defined themselves as non-practicing Catholics. For 91.8% of them, patients have the higher burden of decision regarding LTE. Regarding euthanasia, 88.9% of them agreed that it should be made legal, and 92.5% of them would apply it. 92.5% of non-practicing Catholics agreed with making euthanasia legal, vs. 100% of non-believers (p< 0.000). For 90.9% of non-believers, vs. 54.5% of practicing Catholics, there is no quality of life if connected to a mechanical ventilator (p= 0.026). Conclusions: nursing students will take into account to a high extent the opinion of the patient about LTE. The majority are in favour of making euthanasia legal and applying it, as well as antidysthanasia and orthotanasia. Religious beliefs have impact on some of the matters explored. A high majority considered that situations such as living in a wheelchair, having a permanent colostomy, receiving chemotherapy or having a definitive tracheostomy, could provide a certain quality of life, showing a very positive opinion about the disease process.
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