Maratones Olímpicas y Medios de Comunicación: 490 a.C. / 1936 d.C.

  1. José Luis Aguilera González 1
  2. José Manuel Ruiz Torralbo 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Materiales para la historia del deporte

ISSN: 1887-9586

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 14

Pages: 88-112

Type: Article

More publications in: Materiales para la historia del deporte


This paper is based on the legend of Pheidippides (c. 490 BC). His quotation on his athletic prowess before dying became legendary. Sparta and other Greek states ended up supporting the Athenians and succeeded in repudiating the great Persian army. Therefore, when the Games were re-established in modern times, and on the motion of Michel Brèal, Coubain decided to add an event this sort. Besides considering this fact from a strictly sportive perspective, we also intend to reflect the historical development of the media related to such an event, from the first stages of oral tradition, through written and illustrated formats at the beginning of the 20th century, to the broadcast of the Games on TV. Authors always use “Marathon” to refer to the town where the race started, and “marathon”, either in its masculine or its feminine form, to refer to the athletic race itself.

Bibliographic References

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