Fundamentos de criobiología espermática para bancos de semen

  1. Ana Fernández 1
  2. Maria del Carmen Gonzalvo 1
  3. Ana Clavero 1
  4. Rafael Ruiz de Assín 1
  5. Sandra Zamora 1
  6. María Roldán 1
  7. Belén Rabelo 1
  8. Juan Pablo Ramírez 2
  9. Alberto Yoldi 2
  10. José Antonio Castilla 3
  1. 1 Unidad de Reproducción Humana, Hospital Universitario “Virgen de las Nieves”, Granada, España
  2. 2 Banco de Semen CEIFER, Granada, España
  3. 3 Programa de Control de Calidad Externo para el Laboratorio de Reproducción de la Asociación para el Estudio de la Biología de la Reproducción (ASEBIR), España

ISSN: 1136-4424

Datum der Publikation: 2009

Ausgabe: 14

Nummer: 1

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: ASEBIR


The spermatozoa have special freezing characteristics, these characteristics and influences on the spermatic survival applied to the sperm banks are analyzed in this work. Among them we find particular freezing factors depending on cellular type and freezing protocol. Among those we will begin with size and the cellular permeability and secondly we will look the freezing curve and the addition of the cryoprotectors. The freezing curve refers to the cellular response to freezing (cold shock, ice formation, and thawing) which could provoke cryoinjuries such as intracellular ice formation, osmotic stress or re-crystallization. In order to avoid these damages all protocols as a basic measure describe the addition of cryoprotecting agents as beneficial to the survival of the cell although they also inflict detrimental aspects due to their toxicity. Finally the bases and the role of the vitrification of the spermatozoa in the sperm banks will be analyzed.