El resurgir de Pandora como “Mythe d’Espoir”: Una lectura mitocrítica y ecofeminista del imaginario de la catástrofe

  1. María Flores-Fernández 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada, España
Revista Sonda: Investigación y Docencia en Artes y Letras

ISSN: 2254-6073

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 10

Pages: 159-171

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Sonda: Investigación y Docencia en Artes y Letras


The myth of Pandora seems to have crossed the last three centuries without being diminished in its literary and artistic dimension as well as in modern philosophy. Precisely because of its ambivalence, the fatality linked to Pandora has been the subject of numerous rewritings of the myth in recent works. This article aims to answer how the ecofeminist interpretation of this mythical tale is still dominant, in the theoretical corpus of Françoise d’Eaubonne (1951) and Carolyn Merchant (1980), as well as in the considerations of Ivan Illich (1972) and the pictorial work of Juan Gabriel Barceló Tomás (1963). Through myth-criticism and the trajectory of myth according to Gilbert Durand (1981) and Pierre Brunel (2017), the present analysis takes up the reading of a landscape embodied by the goddess, whose destructive and also hopeful identity is inherent in postmodern holism.

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