Actuación arqueológica realizada en la Casa de la Bizcocha, San Matías, Granada

  1. Dolores Puerta Torralbo
  2. Alberto García Porras
Anuario arqueológico de Andalucía 1998

Publisher: Consejería de Cultura ; Junta de Andalucía

ISBN: 84-8266-241-4

Year of publication: 2001

Volume Title: Actividades de urgencia

Tome: 2

Volume: 3

Pages: 302-309

Type: Book chapter


The plot under study is located in the San Matíasdistrict of the city of Granada, in the building known as the ‘Casade la Bizcocha’. Remains have been recorded dating from Romantimes up until the present day. From the Roman age, only potteryand building material remains have been found, though no actualstructures. The first recorded structures correspond to the Mediaevalperiod (11 th century) and continue on up until the present day,which means there is an overlaying of building phases that havegreatly altered the oldest archaeological remains. These results,including mediaeval structures (‘Ziri’ and ‘Nasrite’), along withmodern and contemporary constructions, help us discover andbetter understand the development and evolution of the urbanlayout in this well-known district of the city of Granada.