Anàlisi de la comunicació i el periodisme biomèdics. Estudi dels processos divulgatius, els dèficits formatius i l’impacte de la covid-19

  1. Diviu Miñarro, Clàudia
Dirigida por:
  1. Sergi Cortiñas Rovira Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Fecha de defensa: 20 de diciembre de 2021

  1. Josep Maria Casasús Guri Presidente/a
  2. Víctor Herrero Solana Secretario
  3. Francisco López Cantos Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 695313 DIALNET


Scientific communication has evolved a lot in recent years. The interest of scientists and journalists in disseminating information has increased, as has the interest of the society in receiving scientific information. However, there are still problems in getting science to the general population correctly. This thesis analyzes the current situation of scientific dissemination,specifically the biomedical one, and seeks waysto improve it. Seeing itself completely immersed in the Covid-19 pandemic, research has focused on crisis biomedical communication and how it has changed as a result of the onset of the disease. Through interviews and surveys of biomedical communication professionals and biomedical students, several interesting results are revealed: the need to invest more public funds in scientific dissemination, the desire of future biomedical researchers to receive more training in communication and the importance of the bidirectionality of scientific information.