Language coactivation in bilingual writing

  1. Martínez Iniesta, Antonio José
Dirigée par:
  1. Daniela Paolieri Co-directrice
  2. María Teresa Bajo Molina Co-directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 27 mai 2022

  1. Alberto Domínguez Martínez President
  2. Maria Alejandra Marful Quiroga Secrétaire
  3. Marc Ouellet Rapporteur
  4. Pilar Ferré Romeu Rapporteur
  5. Montserrat Comesaña Vila Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


The main goal of this thesis was to analyze in depth the BILINGUAL WRITING PRODUCTION, exploring and characterizing the language coactivation in writing and some important factors that could mediate the strength or properties in which languages are coactivated, such as proficiency and learning background of the bilinguals and the transparency of the language. We focused on the mechanisms underlying the production of isolated words as a first step to understand the writing processes underlying more complex sentences and text writing (see Perret & Olive, 2019). Therefore, this dissertation is a first and small grain of sand to an emerging field of study with a promising horizon to explore. Most of this work has been carried out at the Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center, University of Granada, under the supervision of Daniela Paolieri and Mª Teresa Bajo. Another part was developed at the University of Florida in collaboration with Eleonora Rossi. During the development of the dissertation, we had to deal and cohabit with the sanitary crisis of COVID-19. Consequently, in addition to a lot of effort, enthusiasm, and perseverance, this work also includes many challenges and complicated situations.