Relación entre el clima de aprendizaje en educación física y la percepción de los estudiantes en las competencias del profesorado
- Baños, R. 1
- Ortiz Camacho, María del Mar 2
- Baena Extremera, Antonio 2
- Granero Gallegos, Antonio 3
- Machado Parra, Juan Pablo 1
- Renteria, I. 1
- Acosta, I. 1
- L., Ramírez 1
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Almería
ISSN: 2255-0461
Year of publication: 2019
Issue Title: .
Volume: 8
Issue: 2
Pages: 143-153
Type: Article
More publications in: riccafd: Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte
The competences acquired by the Physical Education teacher are essential in the training of adolescents. Depending on the skills acquired, they will be able to design the sessions, orienting them towards the learning or demonstration of the students' physical abilities. The aim of the present work was to know the relation between the teaching competences of PE teachers and the motivational climate in their classes. Six hundred and eighty students of Compulsory Secondary Education from the province of Murcia (Spain) participated in the study (339boys, 341 girls, M = 14.83, SD = 1.45). A questionnaire composed of the following scales was used: Evaluation of Teaching Competencies Scales (ETCS), and Perceptions of Teacher's Emphasis on Goals Questionnaire (PTEGQ). The statistical analysis that were carried out were descriptive and Spearman's correlation, with the SPSS v.22. Results: a positive relationship was found between the teaching competences and the climates of approach to learning and social approval, and a negative relationship in approach to performance. As a conclusion, the teacher's skills are related to learning climates, being skillful teachers those who design climates of approach to mastery and social approval, and incompetent teachers, those who promote contexts of performance.
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