Diseño de herramientas de apoyo a la gestión de espacios naturales protegidos. El caso del servicio ecosistémico de recreación

  1. Moreno Llorca, Ricardo Antonio
Supervised by:
  1. Ángel Ramos Ridao Co-director
  2. Victor Jesús García Morales Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 08 July 2022

  1. Alejandro Caparrós Gass Chair
  2. Begoña Moreno Escobar Secretary
  3. Aurora Garrido Moreno Committee member

Type: Thesis


This research work has focused on the design of tools, methodologies and data analysis to guide management decisions and to facilitate the evaluation of management in protected natural areas at different scales of territorial and administrative application within the framework of a continuous cycle of adaptive management. In conclusion, the different chapters that compose this work address, from a global perspective to a detailed level, the generation of methodologies and tools that can help the manager to evaluate the management of protected areas, as well as to obtain relevant information in an effective way to manage cultural ecosystem services, to guide decision-making in these services. They also facilitate the evaluation of the results of their decisions in specific areas, as in the case of the ecosystem service of recreation in reception and information centres in protected natural areas.