Moulded joining technology with modified bonded-in rods: developed and designed for modular roundwood trusses

  1. Chahade, Tarick
Supervised by:
  1. Leandro Moisés Morillas Romero Co-director
  2. Kay-Uwe Schober Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 15 July 2022

  1. Rafael Gallego Sevilla Chair
  2. María Esther Puertas García Secretary
  3. José Manuel Cabrero Ballarín Committee member
  4. María Almudena Majano Majano Committee member
  5. José Antonio Balmori Roiz Committee member

Type: Thesis


Timber structures and buildings made from sustainable forestry might be the solution to today's ecological challenges when their renewable materials are locally processed with low energy consumption in production. The current market shows a dominance of rectangular cross-sections in engineered timber solutions. Roundwood - a traditional material in the past - is no longer common due to a lack of applications in modern structures, lost knowledge in handcraft skills and the high costs of digital manufacturing. However, solid timber with a circular cross-section outperforms other engineered wood products, such as glued laminated products, in terms of energy consumption and environmental aspects. To overcome restrictions in joint technologies and to increase the usability of roundwood in modern constructions, this doctoral thesis focuses on the development of a new joining technology for modular two dimensional trusses, adapted to the preferences of structural roundwood.