Percepción de las vivencias familiares de mujeres tipificadas como negligentes en el ejercicio de su maternidad, una aproximación a la realidad chilena desde el trabajo social

  1. Arancibia Olguín, Susana
Supervised by:
  1. María Soledad Vieitez Cerdeño Co-director
  2. Amalia Morales Villena Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 13 June 2022

  1. Carmen Meneses Falcón Chair
  2. Roser Manzanera Ruiz Secretary
  3. José Javier Navarro Pérez Committee member

Type: Thesis


This research delves into the experiences of those women who have been recognized as neglectful mothers. It describes and characterizes the particularities of their life stories, recognizing the traumas and rights violations to which they were subjected since their earliest childhood. It shows how the construction of the heteronormative patriarchal discourse makes it impossible, not only for these women but also transgenerationally for families, groups and human collectives, to observe the discrimination that generates and drags along the traditional construct of motherhood. The research visualizes the contributions of feminism in the necessary deconstruction of the responsibilities implied by marentalities, allowing the opening of spaces for men in the relationship with their children, including the economic responsibility that reaches both parents. It is also proposed to highlight the responsibility of the State in its role as guarantor of the protection of the rights of all people equally, including children, adolescents and of course women of all ages and conditions, a debt that shows once again the abysmal inequality and gender violence existing in our realities in the current context.