Arte, cine y publicidad. Lenguaje artístico como herramienta mediática

  1. Jiménez López, Cisela
  1. María del Mar Garrido Román Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 2022(e)ko ekaina-(a)k 23

  1. Francisco Lagares Prieto Presidentea
  2. Isabel Soler Ruiz Idazkaria
  3. María del Mar Bernal Kidea
  4. Juan José Gómez de la Torre Kidea
  5. Constantino Gañán-Medina Kidea

Mota: Tesia


We live in a society surrounded by screens. As discursive and communicative transmission system, images have become one of the most relevant elements in postmodern era. Their influence define our behaviour, culture and evolution, personally and collectively. If we want to understand a written message, our brain makes a secuencial analysis, gradually building the meaning from the elements that constitute the text: leXers, words, phrases and paragraphs. Nevertheless, our brain works in a different way to understand an image, by means of a simultaneous, synthetic, global approach where all the pieces are perceived and processed at the same time. The understanding of this condensed message meaning is linked towards our emotions, memories and experiences straightaway. Thus, it is essential for the visual arts to acknowledge how the image is articulated for the receiver to take what we want to express. Based on these concepts, we asked ourselves which disciplines are responsible for spreading images. Firstly, artistic representations like visual arts which have existed since prehistory. Later, on the 19th century, there was a big progress when cinema appears to solve the moving-image question, meaning new significant conditions for the image. Finally, the mass media are the last image traffic network, advertising among them. This doctoral dissertation aims to establish a comparative between these three languages: visual arts, cinematography and advertising, focusing on the perfume industry. We intend to expose the existing relationship between them, how does it work and in what manner they connect with each other. Narrowing the investigation, we chose five bonded concepts that implicate the three languages. As a personal project and conclusion, we made five short films, one for each concept, with resources from the three fields. Short films were edited as a commercial with artistic and cinematic elements from specific examples that appeared during the investigation. Through this theoretical-practical work, we will show the proceedings of the sociocultural industry to draw the postmodern citizen aXention and modify their habits and behaviours with commercial goals. At the same time, we will generate a discursive network for art, the individual and society.