Narrativas transmediales: revisión conceptual y propuesta de una taxonomía y modelo de análisis (el caso español 2006-2016)

  1. Rosendo Sánchez, Nieves
Supervised by:
  1. Domingo Sánchez-Mesa Martínez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 05 July 2022

  1. Rui Torres Chair
  2. Jordi Alberich Pascual Secretary
  3. Ana Serrano Tellería Committee member

Type: Thesis


This doctoral dissertation depends on the concept of transmedia narratives through a theoretical review based on the modes in which transmediality operates (Sánchez-Mesa & Baetens, 2015, 2017). This concept distances itself from transmedia storytelling (Jenkins 2003, 2006, 2017) through critical and theoretical dialogue. In general terms, it establishes two main kinds of transmedia narratives, those that could be understood in a broader sense and those that express a deliberate design. After the theoretical review and the analysis of case studies, it proposes two main points that characterize transmedia narratives and differentiate them into two large groups: transmedia worlds and transmedia characters. The dissertation exposes two differentiated models of analysis of its fundamental features and the operations that happen in them in their migration between different media. After a theoretical review of the contributions in the transmedia studies field on the status of adaptation, it establishes that adaptation is the primary dynamic that operates in transmedia narratives. In order to suggest another differentiating dynamic of the transmedia narratives, the dissertation proposes to extend the principle of extractability vs. immersion of Jenkins (2009) to the virtual dimension, based on case studies. Therefore, this thesis reviews the concept of transmedia narratives, establishes its main dynamics, and proposes differentiated models of analysis based on these main points, worlds and characters.