Estrategias pedagógicas para el desarrollo y evaluación de competencias transversales para la formación en educación superiorun estudio en ingeniería civil de la Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile

  1. Araya Cabrera, María Paz
Supervised by:
  1. Pilar Martínez Clares Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 27 October 2022

  1. Jesús Miguel Muñoz Cantero Chair
  2. Javier Pérez Cusó Secretary
  3. Sonia Rodríguez Fernández Committee member

Type: Thesis


The realization of this Doctoral Thesis is the product of a deep reflection and analysis of the following question: What are the conceptions and characteristics of the teaching practices for the formation by competences of the Academic Unit of Civil Engineering, of the University of Valparaíso of Chile, in relation to the reality of what happens in the classroom and in the different academic spaces in which teachers and students interact? Other questions that arise are: What is the perception of students and teachers about teaching practices to teach and learn disciplinary and transversal skills in the school of ing. Civil University of Valparaiso Chile? What pedagogical strategies do Civil Engineering teachers implement to develop disciplinary and transversal skills? To answer these research questions, this Thesis is proposed with the general purpose of analyzing the perceptions of students and teachers about teaching practices in the Academic Unit of Civil Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Valparaíso. The population under study corresponds to the students of the Civil Engineering Career of the University of Valparaíso, and the participating sample was finally made up in 2020 by 1,065 students and 29 teachers, and in 2021 by 784 students and 30 teachers belonging to the School of Civil Engineering. A non-probabilistic sampling was carried out and three inclusion criteria were specified for the participants: a) Belonging to the mentioned program; b) Participation of students and teachers from all semesters and c) Teachers who teach classes in any of the curricular lines: basic sciences, engineering sciences, applied engineering and/or social sciences and humanities. The research is developed under the methodological orientation of a mixed study according to Creswell (2012), with a non-experimental and descriptive scope, in which students and teachers of all years and all areas of the Civil Engineering Career of the Faculty of Engineering participate. Engineering of the University of Valparaíso (Social Sciences and Humanities, Engineering Sciences, Applied Engineering and Basic Sciences), and through a questionnaire designed and validated ad hoc, called CUPRADOIC. Its psychometric properties are analyzed with different procedures, evidence of content validity is obtained through the expert judgment procedure; on the internal structure, through various statistical methods, and finally, the reliability of the questionnaire is analyzed with Cronbach's Alpha. In all cases, acceptable results of goodness of fit of the model and a satisfactory internal consistency of the questionnaire are achieved. For the analysis of the rest of the information, descriptive and inferential statistics are used. Among the most significant results, it stands out that both students and teachers positively value the skills of dimension 1 "Teaching planning" as "excellent" or "good", giving a high perception and conformity in relation to the teaching planning capacity, of the academics. Teachers, for their part, also have a good perception, but in general they show weakness in the efficient integration of ICT in the classroom, so it is a skill that can be improved. In relation to the skills evaluated in dimension 2: "Teaching-learning strategies", the students value them as "Excellent" or "good", highlighting mainly the willingness of the teacher, the support material generated, and the teaching methodology applied in It is generally well appreciated. However, teachers have a lower perception than students, regarding their teaching-learning skills, indicating that they have some difficulties in implementing active methodologies, which is manifested with sufficient development in the use of ICT, considered by students. As the most appropriate methodological tools for their learning. Therefore, they are skills that still need to be polished, despite having participated in various teacher training courses. Regarding the skills evaluated in dimension 3: "Assessment of learning" with greater dispersion between "excellent", "good" and "acceptable", since they recognize certain deficiencies such as little clarity in the evaluation criteria, little or no feedback of the results obtained in the evaluations, also weakness in the design of the evaluations that are not very consistent with the level of teaching of the contents. For their part, the teachers recognize some deficiencies, such as clearly indicating the evaluation criteria or indicators of learning outcomes, the design of the evaluations is also recognized as a weakness in some subjects, which is why it is necessary to reinforce. This situation allows us to substantiate the importance and need to strengthen training processes for teachers so that they can develop documented teaching skills, in accordance with current and emerging training approaches to achieve meaningful and deep learning in students or develop with them processes aimed at improving and achieving said learning and skills, focusing in the case of higher education, on personal, academic and professional skills. As a way to strengthen and promote good teaching practices, it concludes by presenting the Design of a pedagogical support plan for the development of teaching skills, to provide them with resources to plan and carry out teaching and learning processes consistent with the teaching processes. evaluation, based on the postulates of the institutional pedagogical approach to develop both disciplinary and transversal skills in students.