Análisis de secuencias de enseñanza y aprendizaje sobre el fenómeno de flotación en el marco de la investigación de diseño

  1. Castillo Hernández, Francisco José
Dirixida por:
  1. María Rut Jiménez Liso Director
  2. Digna Couso Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Almería

Fecha de defensa: 25 de xullo de 2022

  1. Jaume Ametller Presidente/a
  2. María Martínez Chico Secretaria
  3. Lucy Avraamidou Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 741053 DIALNET lock_openriUAL editor


The Doctoral Thesis Analysis of teaching-learning sequences on the phenomenon of floating and sinking in the framework of design research arises as a result of the interest and need of the research groups Sensociencia (UAL) and CRECIM (UAB) to design TLSs based on enquiry and modelling and to reflect on the process that led to their design. In this Doctoral Thesis, following this same line, we intend to clarify the design principles that guided us in the design of our EAS on floating and sinking objects: Neither floats nor sinks. In order to achieve this objective, the Doctoral Thesis has been divided into three studies with their respective research questions. In Study 1, we analyse the contributions that have been made in the educational literature on the phenomenon of floating and sinking. In order to achieve this objective, we carried out a systematic review, selecting 71 research papers with a chronological scope: from the 1970s to the present day. This involved the emergent generation of an analysis protocol and its subsequent application through categorising papers related to the phenomenon of floating and sinking. In Study 2, we compared five teaching and learning sequences on the phenomenon of floating to identify the most relevant characteristics of each one of them, as well as make the comparison of sequences visible as a resource prior to the design that is relevant for both teachers and researchers, linking both perspectives of the design (the teacher and the researcher). To this end, we are inspired by the Comparative Education research methodology and we propose a document analysis of the sequences, adapting the analysis protocol previously designed in Study 1, categorising the teaching and learning sequences and, finally, identifying levels of sophistication for the categories that appear in the analysis protocol. In Study 3, we dive into the teaching and learning sequence designed by Sensociencia: Neither floats nor sinks. Specifically, we analysed the effect that the sequence in question had on students' perception of learning and emotions of the Degree in Primary Education through a reading from the theoretical framework of classroom climate and flow. To do so, we analysed the responses provided by 137 students in initial training, implementing a quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, comparative and correlational methodology. These three studies have allowed us, on the one hand, to clarify our design principles in the teaching and learning sequence Neither floats nor sinks and, on the other hand, to redesign the sequence in question to adapt it to the second cycle of Primary Education.