El trabajo con las fuentes históricas y su utilización didáctica

  1. Camuñas García, Daniel
UNES: Universidad, escuela y sociedad

ISSN: 2530-1012

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 8

Pages: 8-18

Type: Article

More publications in: UNES: Universidad, escuela y sociedad


The aim of the History is to rebuild the past. To achieve this, historians need to use historical sources, or in other words the remnants of the past that tell us about what happened in previous eras. Working with historical sources could also be an important educational resource to develop the historical thinking of the students. Nevertheless, the history textbooks have given too much importance to superficial descriptions of historical sources, ignoring the critical look. For this reason, and with the purpose of approaching to the knowledge of working critically with historical sources, here are presented a series of activities oriented to the work with historical sources and designed to develop the historical thinking.

Bibliographic References

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