Media terrorisminfluence of the Media on the social construction of fear on the participation of the child in the Gangs

  1. Yaritza María Vászquez Hernández
IROCAMM-International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix

ISSN: 2605-0447

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 3

Issue: 2

Pages: 109-117

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/IROCAMM.2020.V02.I03.08 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openIdus editor

More publications in: IROCAMM-International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix

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The social construction of fear around the gangs is an emerging reality in Honduras that is part of everyday life. The involvement of children in their criminal activities has not only awakened a sense of insecurity fueled by the media, but it also demands the application of more repressive measures on them. The purpose of this article is to analyze how the media treatment of the juvenile offender influences the social perception. Considering a critical literature review as a reference, this article is based on the descriptive and interpretative analysis of the main binding aspects of the relationship between the underage gang member and the media, reflecting a sensationalist discourse, with a stigmatizing effect towards the children’s sector that reside in marginal areas dominated by the gangs, and that reinforces the image of the child offender. Finally, the results found allow us to think about the involvement of the media as a generator of public opinions with an exclusionary component about the children who belong to the gangs.

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