Posibilidades de participación en la cooperación al desarrolloel ejemplo de la ONG Kentaja en Camerún

  1. Maroto Blanco, J.M.
  2. Escacena Cortes, M.
  3. Castañeda, M.
  4. Lozano Lorenzo, J.
  5. Konan, K.J.
  6. García Prieto, E.
  7. Bolivar Muela, M.
  8. García Campaña, A.
Nuevos perfiles de alumnos en las Aulas de Mayores: reflexiones en torno a sus percepciones y expectativas sobre los Programas Universitarios para Mayores en España
  1. Juan Carlos Maroto martos (coord.)

Publisher: Editorial Universidad de Granada ; Universidad de Granada

ISBN: 978-84-338-5957-0

Year of publication: 2015

Pages: 695-697

Congress: Encuentro Nacional de Programas Universitarios para Personas Mayores (14. 2015. Granada)

Type: Conference paper


Mature students perform important volunteer work through the Aula Permanente de Formación Abierta of the University of Granada, and namely through its association, ALUMA. However, this volunteer work is focused on carrying out activities at a local level in the city of Granada. This could change if this people were able to participate more easily in international volunteering activities mainly through the NGDOs of the different offices of the Aula (Ceuta, Melilla, Granada, Motril, Guadix and Baza) as well as trying to benefit from the aid scheme of the Centro de Iniciativas de Cooperación al Desarrollo (CICODE). In order to do so, we count on the Asociación Solidaria de Cooperantes Universitarios Andaluces (ASCUA) as an entity of support, counseling and participation of university students aged 50 and over, and also on the possibilities offered by two examples of international cooperation on the ground by two volunteers with over 50 year, through the action of the NGDO Kentaja.