El imaginario audiovisual lgbti+ en la publicidad española. Un análisis de sus representaciones

  1. Agustín Romero López
  2. Francisco Checa Olmos
Interciencia: Revista de ciencia y tecnología de América

ISSN: 0378-1844

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 48

Issue: 3

Pages: 137-144

Type: Article

More publications in: Interciencia: Revista de ciencia y tecnología de América


LGBTI+ advertising is that which, regardless of its type, is aimed at the LGBTI+ collective or incorporates, in any of its forms, the representation of some LGBTI+ identity and corporality. Through the "mirror theory" advertising reflects the culture of the society to which it is addressed, thus establishing certain standards of representation. Through this, it is proposed to know the characteristics of representation of the LGBTI+ collective in Spanish audiovisual advertising through a mixed approach analysis through documentary content analysis. The hegemonic use of the profile of a young-adult white homosexual cis person with a monogamous relationship stands out, and, to a lesser extent, that of a young-adult heterosexual white trans woman without an affective-sexual relationship affected by outing and cispassing. Based on these profiles, all the existing diversity of the group is left out, finding little or no representation of intersex people, trans men, non-binary identities and affective-sexual orientations other than homosexuality and heterosexuality. Finally, there is a null representation of people from the group over 65 years of age, which establishes a complete invisibility of the fact of being older and LGBTI+. The representation of the collective in advertising is important to make these people visible in society, companies must be aware of their representation because, on numerous occasions, they are excluded or stereotyped in advertisements, a fact that contributes to their discrimination and lack of acceptance.