Impacto del confinamiento en el desarrollo curricular de Educación Física en Educación primaria y Secundaria

  1. Soto González, José Ignacio 1
  2. Marín Regalado, María Nieves 2
  3. Martín Sánchez, José Alberto 1
  4. Caracuel Cáliz, Rafael Francisco 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


  2. 2 Centro superior de investigaciones científicas CSIC
Sportis: Revista Técnico-Científica del Deporte Escolar, Educación Física y Psicomotricidad

ISSN: 2386-8333

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Ausgabe: 9

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 320-339

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.17979/SPORTIS.2023.9.2.9517 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen Access editor

Andere Publikationen in: Sportis: Revista Técnico-Científica del Deporte Escolar, Educación Física y Psicomotricidad


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the state of alarm and home confinement, teaching became virtual in a matter of a few days and teachers had to adapt all their work inexorably. Faced with this totally unprecedented situation in the history of our educational system, this research has been used to investigate and describe the impact of the period of confinement on the school curriculum of physical education in primary and compulsory secondary education. The instrument used was a questionnaire made in Google Forms using the Delphi technique. The sample consisted of 100 teachers of the Primary Education (PE) and Secondary Education (SE) stages in Spain, specifically in the autonomous community of Andalusia. Among the main conclusions we highlight that the teachers considered that the objectives of health and physical condition were the most worked objectives in the area. The teachers consider that they did not manage to carry out the established motor times, nor the programming, but they did get the students to carry out a weekly task with an involvement of approximately one hour. It was concluded that the impact on learning was great because not all the contents were worked on and the tasks set were not evaluable.

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