Intervención farmacéutica en el manejo de inhaladores con pacientes EPOC citados para una espirometría en un centro de salud

  1. Cristina Peral Bolaños 1
  2. Luis Baró Rodriguez 2
  3. Rosa Carabaño Moral 3
  4. Maria V. Martín-Ruiz
  5. Esperanza Sanz Sanmartin 4
  6. Aranzazu Garcia Buendia 3
  7. Maria Dolores Llamas Del Castillo 2
  8. Fernando Martinez Martinez 5
  9. Rocio Martin Valero 6
  10. Isabel M. Molina-Conejo 4
  1. 1 Primary care pharmacist, Health care Federica Montseny, Madrid. Doctoral student at the university of Granada
  2. 2 Primary care pharmacist, Costa del Sol Health Care Area, Malaga, Spain
  3. 3 Specialist in family medicine, Health care Arroyo de la Miel, Costa del Sol Health Care Area, Malaga, Spain.
  4. 4 Qualified nurse, Health care Arroyo de la Miel, Costa del Sol Health Care Area, Malaga, Spain.
  5. 5 University of Granada, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cathedratic Department of Pharmaceutical Care, Spain
  6. 6 University of Málaga, Faculty of Health Sciencies, Professor Department of Physiotherapy, Spain
Pharmaceutical care España

ISSN: 1139-6202

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 25

Issue: 2

Pages: 34-49

Type: Article

More publications in: Pharmaceutical care España


Background: the usage of inhalers is something complex. This work with COPD patients pretends that, after the pharmacist intervention, the correct usage of these drugs is guaranteed so as to im-prove the quality of life. Methods: the nurse set a date to do an spirometry to the patients. On the other hand, the pharmacist assessed the usage of the inhalers and carried out the adherence and quality of life tests. Three months after, the patients came back to the con-sultation and the pharmacist repeated the same procedure to detect any possible change after the intervention.Results: on those patients that attended both ap-pointments, it was seen that there were statistically significant changes between the adherence punc-tuation regarding both appointments. The average of punctuation is higher in the second appointment (49.09) in respect to the first one (46.45), this is a significant difference with a p<0.05. The quality of life was the same in both appointments and the errors average in the usage of inhalators in the second appointment decreased (1773) significantly in respect to the errors average in the first appoint-ment (4727).Conclusion: the intervention of a pharmacist in a multidisciplinary team to the following of COPD pa-tients is advantageous to these patients, mainly in relation to the usage of inhalers and the adherence to treatment.

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