Contracepción en la consulta de enfermería.

  1. Silvia Lozano Alonso 1
  2. Israel Sisamón Marco 2
  3. Isabel García Andrés 3
  4. Beatriz Moros Peiro 3
  5. Beatriz Delgado Guerrero 3
  6. Cristina Muñoz Solera 3
  1. 1 Enfermera especialista en familia y comunitaria, C.S. Calatayud, SALUD Aragón.
  2. 2 Enfermero C.S. Calatayud, SALUD Aragón.
  3. 3 Enfermera C.S. Calatayud, SALUD Aragón.
Revista Sanitaria de Investigación

ISSN: 2660-7085

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 2

Issue: 7

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Sanitaria de Investigación


Introduction: Contraception is any method or device that is used to prevent pregnancy. There are several types of contraceptive methods with different properties to suit each woman or couple. Objective: The objective is to know the latest scientific evidence on contraceptive methods that exist today. Methodology: A narrative review of the latest scientific evidence from journals indexed in the Cochrane Library, Pubmed, Cuiden and Medline databases has been carried out. The keywords for the search were “contraception” and “nursing”, combining them with the Boolean operators AND and OR. Results: There are several types of contraceptive methods. There are natural methods, barrier methods, hormonal methods, IUDs, and surgical methods. Conclusion: It is necessary to provide adequate information on each of the existing contraceptive methods for an adequate choice to be made, taking into account the characteristics of the patients.