¡Eh, Macarena, ay! Cómo una 'española' llegó al top del Billboard norteamericano

  1. Fernando Barrera Ramírez
Música oral del Sur: revista internacional

ISSN: 1138-8579

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 19

Pages: 107-136

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.7273887 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Música oral del Sur: revista internacional


In 1993, the Serdisco label released A mí me gusta by Los del Río, an album with ten tracks that included ‘Macarena’. This four-minute and twelve-second song led the artistic duo from Seville to international success. To achieve this goal, several adaptations were made between 1993 and 1995, mixing English lyrics and electronic music beats. Los del Río’s single hit No. 1 on the US charts for 14 weeks, from 3 August to 2 November 1996, a milestone only surpassed on two occasions to date. Since then, ‘Macarena’ has become internationally associated with Spanish and Latin culture, and has even been used as a political tool to attract the Latino vote in countries such as the United States. This article aims to analyse the particular process of hybridisation that turned this coincidental and unpretentious production into one of the greatest commercial successes in the history of Spanish music. It also establishes a chronology of ‘Macarena’, comparing different versions of the song and analysing which elements, and in which editions, brought about the decisive change in its reception outside Spain and turned it into an international phenomenon, how ‘Macarena’ went from local to global.

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