Diferentes modos de vida, diferentes dietascaries e isótopos estables en dos poblaciones burgalesas medievales

  1. José Francisco Martín-Alonso
  2. Rosa M. Maroto Benavides
  3. María G. Roca Rodríguez
  4. Olga López-Guarnido
  5. Saray Montalvo-Acosta
  6. Sylvia A. Jiménez-Brobeil
Munibe Antropologia - Arkeologia

ISSN: 1132-2217

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 73

Pages: 191-204

Type: Article

More publications in: Munibe Antropologia - Arkeologia


This study compares two medieval villages in the province of Burgos (Northern Spain). The first one, Palacios de la Sierra, is a settlement with an economy based mainly on animal husbandry and logging, dating between the 9th and the 13th centuries CE. It is located in a mountainous area characterized by a cold climate. The second site, Santa María de Tejuela, dated between the 8th and the early 11th centuries CE, is located in a flat area, with a temperate climate and its economy is based mainly on agriculture and livestock breeding. The working hypothesis of the study is that there must have been differences in the diet of the two populations given their different way of life and environment. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen as well as maxillo-dental pathology have been analyzed in a total of 101 adult individuals, in which sex and age have been estimated. In total, the sample of Palacios de la Sierra consists of 16 males and 13 females and that of Santa María de Tejuela consists of 44 males and 28 females. Palacios de la Sierra shows a diet based on C3 plants with high consumption of animal proteins, whereas in the diet of Santa María de Tejuela C4 plants were introduced and the protein values are considerably lower. As for dental pathology, differences have been found between the two sites, with the population of Palacios de la Sierra exhibiting lower rates. Regarding the possible differences by sex, these are marked in Palacios, where females have a diet with a higher protein intake than males, and a lower rate of dental pathology. In Santa María de Tejuela, on the other hand, there are no significant differences by sex in the isotopic values, and males have better dental health. The results obtained in Palacios, especially among females, are consistent with those of a diet based on a significant consumption of animal proteins, possibly dairy products, and even similar to those of medieval elites of Castile. As for the results of Santa María de Tejuela, they are similar to those of other medieval rural settlements in the region and clearly different from those of Palacios de la Sierra.

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